Monday, February 16, 2009

OSSPAC 09 Day 1

After waiting for a long time, IBM representative contacted me saying that I won a trip to OSSPAC from dW Game Challenge. IBM sponsors air transportation (Singapore Airlines), hotel (Traders Singapore) and OSSPAC conference fee for me. After all the confusion about travel arrangements, finally I am here.

Open Source Singapore Pacific-Asia Conference & Expo

Registration Desk

IBM Session : Extending Open Source Capabilities For Enterprise Environments

Exhibition Hall (open on Day 2)

Lunch Buffet

Wondering why they put those plastic rings on the side of plates? It is used for holding wine glass.

1 comment:

  1. hi wood. Ming here. Glad to see what you have posted. Keep up the good work! Oh yea, do take a look at my blog as well to see what i have done. Here's the link: See ya @ the third day
