Wednesday, February 18, 2009

OSSPAC 09 Day 2

The second day at Open Source Singapore Pacific-Asia Conference & Expo. (First Day : OSSPAC 09 Day 1)

Python - Bring Fun Back into Programming

In this session, I learned some basic Python and got to know how easy Python is. For example, to read web page as HTML text in Python, you would write:

import urllib2
site = urllib2.urlopen("")
lines = site.readlines(2000)
print lines

First, you import urllib2 from the standard library included in Python. Then, read it by calling urlopen. After that read at a maximum of 2000 lines and put it in lines. Finally, print them out to the console.

The speaker (Mervin Beng) used Pyshell to write and run all his codes.

PHP in Enterprise

This session provided basic overview of PHP.

Getting Started with Google Android

Sean Sullivan really gave us a great overview of Android. I think this session is one of the most popular session here. If you want to look at his slides, click here. His website is here.

Exhibition Hall


Sun Microsystems



Novell (OpenSuse Linux)

Tersus : Software for developing web based application without the need to write a single line of code. Tersus website.

A team from Taiwan
DBRL : A tool that let you boot linux remotely similar to thin client scheme but all the computation are executed locally at each client. All the files are stored on servers, so the clients don't need to have their own hard drives.
Clonezilla : An opensource hard drive cloning tool similar to Norton Ghost.

OpenBravo : Opensource Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Zend : PHP framework

Evening reception

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